Using of Image Processing for Diagnostic the Brain Tumor by of Methods K-mean Clustering and C-mean Fuzzy

Maysam Toghraee, Mohammad Reza Toghraee, Farhad Rad


Tumor is an uncontrolled growth of tissues in any part of the body. Tumors are of different varieties and that they have totally different Characteristics and different treatment. As it is thought, brain tumor is inherently serious and serious due to its character within the restricted area of the intracranial cavity (space shaped within the skull).Most analysis in developed countries show that the number of individuals who have brain tumors were died because of the actual fact of inaccurate detection. Generally, CT scan or mri that's directed into intracranial cavity produces an entire image of brain. This image is visually examined by the physician for detection & diagnosis of brain tumour. But this methodology of detection resists the accurate determination of stage & size of tumor. To avoid that, this project uses computer aided methodology for segmentation (detection) of brain tumour supported the combination of two algorithms. This technique permits the segmentation of tumor tissue with accuracy and reliability like manual segmentation. Additionally, it also reduces the time for analysis. At the top of the method the tumor is extracted from the mri image and its actual position and the form also determined. The stage of the tumor is displayed supported the quantity of space calculated from the cluster.

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