Study on Enhancement of Heat Transfer through Corrugated Plate Using In Heat Exchanger and Its Evaluations
This dissertation work is based on the performance evolution of heat exchanger using corrugated plates inside the heat exchanger. Basically heat exchanger is a type of device which is generally using for getting efficient heat transfer rate. Heat exchangers are widely classified on the basis of the direct and indirect contact wise. At the present age heat exchanger are mainly used in several industries like air conditioning, power stations, chemical processing plants, refineries of petroleum. In our study we have used corrugated tubes which have contained the specific properties. It has contained very larger rate of heat enhancement due to large surface area which also lead the increment of turbulence level. The main aim of this study to evaluate the thermal performance of system and the characteristic of heat transfer using, mixed plat type configuration. The experimental heat enhancement data is get through single phase flow arrangement in corrugated plate. We have taken the chevron angle of the plate 54°/ 25 °. The important consideration, we have taken in this experimental setup is Reynolds number between 84 to 590 and prandtl number ranging from 3.8 to 5.7 will be taken for given experiment. The value of correlation is estimated from Nusselt number, Reynolds number and prandtl number. The validation of the result is drowning by Wilson plot technique.
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