Investigation of dynamic response on the system stability for an integrated spindle unit
This work presents a combined model of high acceleration end-mill spindle system by considering the dynamics of angular contact ball bearings and cutting forces. At first the spindle unit is analyzed by taking into consideration the centrifugal as well as the gyroscopic conditions using Timoshenko finite aspect model. Hertz bearing contact forces are considered at the front and back end of the spindle. Frequency response functions at the tooltip are obtained for the dynamic spindle model which leads to plot the stability lobe diagrams for the vertical end mill system. Furthermore an optimization study is carried out at design stage for the bearing system and the rotor position for maximizing the chatter vibration free cutting operation at the desired depth of cut and speed. Bearing contact forces are considered in the model using the Hertz contact theory. For this integrated spindle-tool unit the frequency responses are arrived at the tool-tip end. Further to validate the model, the entire integrated unit is developed in SOLIDWORKS and its dynamic response has been studied.
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