A Review Paper on – Automatic IroningAnd Folding Machine
Automatic Ironing device is a design that uses an innovative framework and motorized mechanisms to efficaciously iron cloths by minimizing the problems in the mission of ironing. it will be a cheap, fold-capable and transportable gadget (maximum 3-3.5 Kg) which is capable of iron material within a time body of maximum 15-20 min. with none external assist from the person besides feeding the cloth. right here iron is used to increase the effectiveness and pace of ironing as well as reduce the general time taken for one material. The material can be established on a stationary ironing board. The motion of these irons is based upon chain & sprocket mechanism governed by way of a DC motor and Stepper motor. Provision for long clothes like sarries, mattress-sheets and many others is also provided it will be very useful product for hospitals, railways, motels, housing societies, textile mills and to the operating populace round the sector.
A. Kaushik, A. Mishra, H. Singh, B. Hemalatha, “Automatic Ironing Machine” AARJMD Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Volume 1, Issue 21,ISSN: 2319 - 2801 2014.
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