Design and Development of Eco-Friendly Road Cleaner
This paper is related to design and development of most effective machine that is manually operated mechanical pollution free road cleaner. The Road cleaner is used to keep our mother earth clean. So that we feel fresh while walking on streets. Generally, in era of modern technology, different devices such as electric motors, diesel engines and robots are being used to clean floor, road. These methods make much pollution, maintenance and very tough to carry out. The main objective of this paper is to spread this idea of our prototype road cleaner to each one which aims to. Hence, the present work is aimed to design and develop a manually operated road cleaning machine which is eco-friendly cost effective, portable and less maintenance.
M. Ranjith Kumar, N. Kapilan- “Design and Analysis of Manually Operated Floor Cleaning Machine.” – International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 IJERT ISO4092 [www.ijert.com] Vol. 4 Issue 04, April-2015.
“Design data book for machine elements and textbook of Machine Design.”; R. S. Khurmi & J. K. Gupta; 14th edition; S Chand Publication, 2014.
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