Biomass Utilisation Focused On EnviornmentProtection, Energy Generation and Conversion Technologies
This paper discusses about biomass as a renewable energy source. This paper defines the biomass resources as well as the biomass energy is converted into electricity. It also defines the technology used for extracting power from biomass as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using biomass. India has surplus agriculture and forest area, therefore source of biomass are available in bulky in India. So it is beneficial for rural area to generate the electricity from biomass. . The government of india has focused on the deployment and development biomass energy sector.The views presented in this contribution may be summarized in four following general theses: (1) waste disposal is a necessity, (2) waste and biomass may both be considered as renewable, (3) waste-to-energy is an option preferable to land filling and (4) abatement of emissions is a key point in thermal treatment technologies. Several examples demonstrating this approach are included. We will make proper combination of waste utilization and its energy transformation is been done.
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