AutomobileSecurity System using GPS and GSM
In this paper, we will seemonitoring and tracking system of vehicle specially designed for transport system. We can track the vehicle and also monitor various data like speed, fuel level, temperature of engine, ignition status, air pressure in tyres etc. with the help of an embedded system and GSM. By this monitoring and trackingsystem of the automobile, we can make more efficient transportation and can reduce crime and corruption in transport services. In the present study, a conceptual scheme is presented for tracking system using Ethernet. This paper focuses on database creation, storing past and present readings of various vehicle data, data monitoring system, tracking of vehicle using GPS, interfacing with web page and android app using an embedded system.The objective of this project is to develop a monitoring and tracking system for a vehicle which can be easilyaccessible by internet from anywhere across the globe.
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U. Farooq, T. u. Haq, M. Amar, M. U. Asad, A. Iqbal. GPS-GSM integration for enhancing public transportation management services. Computer Engineering and Applications (ICCEA), 2010 Second International Conference on, Bali Island. 2010; 142-147p.
S. Lee, G. Tewolde, J. Kwon. Design and implementation of vehicle tracking system using GPS/GSM/GPRS technology and smartphone application. Internet of Things (WF-IoT).2014;353-358p.
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