Value Stream Mapping for Consumer Durables Manufacturer (A Case Study)
Increase in competitive environment, SMEs has to make better their production characteristics. A very common philosophy to improve productivity is known as lean thinking. This approach, derived from the Toyota Production System, removed wasteful activities while increasing the competitive strength and responsiveness of a company. Many industries fail to become lean and, therefore, techniques are needed to revise the implementation. An attempt is made in this paper to propose Value Stream Mapping as an implementation strategy for SMEs. This technique is performed in a company as a case study. By applying the Value Stream mapping tool to assembly line in this company, following improvement potential is observed. NVA time can be decreased by 50.52 percent and production lead time can be decreased by at least 44.73 percent. This paper concludes that lean approach is applicable to SMEs, in certain circumstances. Furthermore, Value Stream Mapping can be a valuable tool in finding improvement potential.
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