A Review: Application of Biopolymers in the Pharmaceutical Formulation
This review discusses some of the most commonly used biopolymers in pharmaceutical and medical application. Biopolymers are the choice of our review because of its low toxicity, stability, renewable nature, and biodegradability. Biopolymers are among the most widespread compounds in the world and are often naturally occurring materials. Biopolymers have been found to have very promising industrial application in various forms. We give a brief layout of their pharmaceutical and medical use. Medical and pharmaceutical industries are turning to natural materials, due to their biodegradability and resorbability. Several types of biopolymers are known and used for medical and pharmaceutical applications; the role played by the biopolymer varies depending on the mechanism drug release and its form. The biopolymers were used for many years as excipients in conventional, immediate-release forms by the oral route, playing a role in the manufacturing process and protect the drug from degradation during storage. Excipients such as biopolymers were used to formulate drugs and improve its effectiveness. Reducing drugs toxicity and exhibiting prolonged release kinetics of the active ingredient. Decrease the frequency of daily intake to regulate and support a circulating level of active principle in the blood throughout the day and offer a better efficiency. Today, they play an increasingly important role in the manufacture of various prolonged release systems and drug optimization. Biopolymers are well explored and used in pharmaceutical formulation development in recent years and also used for delivery of drugs from formulations. These biopolymers are therefore non-toxic, inexpensive, biodegradable and freely available.
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