A Review Article of Pharmacognostic Study, Botanical Description and Therapeutic Uses of Putranjiva Roxburghii
The present investigation focuses on the Pharmacognostic study the plant of Putranjiva roxburghii Wall. (Putranjivaeceae). Plants have been studied from different perspectives of morphological and microscopicly, powder analysis, histochemistry and extractive values. Morphological analysis revealed shape, size, odour and taste of leaf, bark, root and seeds. They showed shiny, smooth and rough texture with pungent and bitter taste. Microscopicaly analysis revealed the presence of, lower epidermis, upper epidermis, vascular bundles cortex, pericycle and pith region of the transverse sections. Histochemical analysis showed the presence of lignins, starch, alkaloids, tannins and calcium oxalate crystals. Saponins are present in leaf, root and stem except in seeds. pH analysis revealed the acidic and basic property of different plant extracts. Leaf, bark, root and seeds extract showed pH values below 7. Among methanolic extracts, leaf, bark and root showed higher value. Among aqueous extracts root and bark showed higher value. Fluorescence analysis of plants showed different colours in the UV and visible light due to presence of secondary metabolites.
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