An Overview on Execution of Green Chemistry as an Alternative Technique in Organic Synthesis
The implementation of green chemistry (GC) in various aspects of chemistry to overcome the problems of health, safety for workers, in addition to the environmental problems is associated with compounds from their manufacturing, use and disposition as waste. GC is a rapid promising branch of chemistry. GC is a manner that maximizes its benefits while removed its adverse impacts by the application of principles. The principles of GC focused on methods that deals with avoidance of waste, maximize atom economy, less harmful chemical formed, metathesis, synthesized safer chemicals, using safer solvents, auxiliaries, renewable Feedstocks, softer catalysts other than heavy metals, biocatalysts, avoid the formation of chemical derivatives, develop energy efficient synthesis, progress of safer chemistry methods for accident avoidance. GC is interested for research and alternative improvement on many practical phases of organic compounds synthesis. GC intended for less toxic solvents but in recent years new methods have been developed where organic synthesis can be performed without solvents, mild conditions and low energy consumption. New approaches have promoted the use of alternative methods or “green” solvents. The new field of “green” solvents in organic compounds synthesis has been extended and gives some idea about green solvent, green catalyst, and green techniques for green synthesis.
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