Human Ecology: Introduction
Odum H. (1983). Systems Ecology: An Introduction, 644 pp. New York: John Wiley (2nd ed., 1994, published by University Press of Chicago). [A classic contribution by a pioneer of the global systems approach including materials flows and energy.]
Park A., Burgess E., and McKenzie R. (1925). The City, 239 pp. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Sargent F. (1983) Human Ecology: A Guide to Information Sources, 293 pp. Detroit: Gale Research.
Steiner D. and Nauser M., eds. (1993). Human Ecology: Fragments of Anti-fragmentary Views of the World, 365 pp. London: Routledge.
Stokols D. (1995). The paradox of environmental psychology. American Psychologist
, 821–837.
Stokols D. and Altman I., eds. (1987). Handbook of Environmental Psychology, two vols., 1654 pp. New York: John Wiley.
Young G., ed. (1983). Origins of Human Ecology, 415 pp. Stroudsburg, PA: Hutchinson Ross.
Campbell, D.T. 1975. On the conflicts between biological and social evolution and between psychology and moral tradition. Am. Psychol. 30: 1103-1126. Campbell’s own work on cultural evolution is extensive, but this is a good starting point for that as well.
Smith, E.A. and B. Winterhalter. 1992.Evolutionary Ecology and Human Behavior. New York: Aldine. This edited volume contains many additional references to the human sociobiology literature.
Ingold, T. 1986.Evolution and Social Life.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. This book is by a social scientist critical of biology-based approaches to human behaviour. Introductions to Evolutionary Biology and Ecology in general:
Begon, M., J.L. Harper, and C.R. Townsend. 1990. Ecology: Individuals, Populations, and Communities. Cambridge Mass.: Blackwell.
Dawkins, R. 1986.The Blind Watchmaker New York: Norton. An excellent non-technical introduction.
Ridley, M., 1993.Evolution.Boston: Basil Blackwell.
Cohen, Y.I. (ed.) 1968.Man in Adaptation.(Two Volumes). Chicago: Aldine.
Richerson, P.J. and J. McEvoy III (eds.). 1976.Human Ecology. North Scituate, Mass.: Duxbury.
Burch, W. R. (1976). The Peregrine Falcon and the Urban Poor. In P. J. Richerson & J. I. McEvoy (Eds.), Human ecology: an environmental approach(pp. 308–316). North Scituate, MA: Duxbury.
Chase-Dunn, C. (1998). Global Formation: Structures of the World-Economy.Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Dietz, T. (2013). Epistemology, Ontology, and the Practice of Structural Human Ecology. In T. Dietz & A. K. Jorgenson (Eds.), Structural Human Ecology: Essays in Risk, Energy, and Sustainability(pp. 31–52). Pullman, WA: Washington State University Press.
Dietz, T., & Burns, T. R. (1992). Human Agency and the Evolutionary Dynamics of Culture. Acta Sociologica, 35, 187–200.
Dietz, T., & Jorgenson, A. K. (Eds.). (2013). Structural Human Ecology: New Essays in Risk, Energy, and Sustainability. Pullman, WA: Washington State University Press.
Dietz, T., & Rosa, E. A. (1994). Rethinking the Environmental Impacts of Population, Affluence and Technology. Human Ecology Review, 1, 277–300.
Dietz, T., & Rosa, E. A. (1997). Effects of Population and Affluence on CO2 Emissions.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 94, 175–179.
Dietz, T., Rosa, E. A., & York, R. (2009). Environmentally Efficient Well-Being: Rethinking Sustainability as the Relationship between Human Well-being and Environmental Impacts.
Human Ecology Review, 16(1), 113–122.
Hare, N. (1970). Black Ecology. The Black Scholar, 1(6), 2–8.
Hutchinson, G. E. (1965). The Ecological Theater and the Evolutionary Play. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Jorgenson, A. K. (2003). Consumption and Environmental Degradation: A Cross-National Analysis of the Ecological Footprint. Social Problems, 50, 374–394.
Jorgenson, A. K. (2012). Energy: Analyzing Fossil Fuel Displacement. Nature Climate Change, 2, 398–399.
Jorgenson, A. K. (2014). Economic Development and the Carbon Intensity of Human Well-Being. Nature Climate Change, 4, 186–189.
Jorgenson, A. K., & Clark, B. (2012). Are the Economy and the Environment Decoupling? A Comparative-International Study, 1960–2005. American Journal of Sociology, 118, 1–44.
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