Do You Aware of Hypotension
If want to become a healthy person, need to do many changes in day-to-day life. Same like in human body if the heart works without any difficulties, it maintains a healthy body. One of the Alteration in blood pressure is Hypotension .it is nothing but the blood pressure that is lower than 90/60mmhg. It has four types that are orthostatic or postural hypotension, postprandial hypotension, neurally mediated hypotension and severe hypotension. Each one different from others. General causes for hypotension are:1. Heart rate problem [too fast heart rate or too slow], 2. A heart muscle or pump problem[myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy], 3.A volume problem [hemorrhage, GI fluid loss, renal injury, large volume fluid loss, prolonged intake of alcohol, posture changes, stand or sit after heavy meal, a faulty brain signals, shock etc]. General measures to treat or prevent hypotension includes increase salt intake, foot end elevation, take plenty of oral fluids, avoid alcohol, do exercises regularly, avoid bending at waist, wear compression stockings, tale small and frequent meals, take vitamin supplements etc.
Text book of basic nursing, Caroline Bunker Rosdaw Mary T. Kowalski- 9th edition[2008], Lippincottt’s practical nursing, Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams and Milkins pg-1230.
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A Text Book of Nursing Foundations, Pee Vee Publication, Kakhwinder Kaur, Maninder Kaur, 2010 edition, pg-211.
Potter and Perry’s Fundamentals of Nursing, South Asian Edition [2013], Elseiver a division of reed Elsiever India private limited.pg-429.
Fundamentals of Nursing [The Art and Science of Person-Centered Nursing Care] Taylor Lillis Lynn, 8th edition [2015], published by Wolters Kluwer [India] Pvt, Ltd, New Delhi.
Orthostatic Hypotension causes ,evaluation and management -Western Journal Of Medicine, A.S.Hollister,1992,Dec.
Orthostatic Hypotension symptoms, treatment and forums /patients like me last updated Dec,2018.
Myoclinic, Orthostatic Hypotension,[postural hypotension] By Myo Clinic Staff, July 11,2017.
Understanding Low Blood Pressure – diagnosis and treatment Web MD, Medical Reference, Reviewed by Suzannae R.Stein baum,MD On Feb 20, 2017.
Low Blood Pressure[HypoTension],Causes, Symptoms, Signs, Treatment, Author-John P. Cunha,Do,facoep,Editor-Jay.W.Marks.MD,Medically Reviewed On 08.15.2018.
Low Blood Pressure[HypoTension] by Myoclinic Staff, March 10, 2018.
Overview of PostPrandial Hypotension by Richard N.Fogoros, MD, Reviewed By Board Certified Physician Dec 05, 2018
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