A Study To Evaluate The Effectiveness Of Structured Teaching Programme On Knowledge Regarding Gestational Trophoblastic Disease Among Pregnant Mothers Attending Antenatal Clinic In Selected Hospitals At Bangalore
Future of a country is in the hands of healthy people. Pregnancy and child birth are the most is important event of women life. Mother who is conceiving for the first time is having less knowledge regarding pregnancy. In this research the researcher used a teaching strategy to improve the knowledge of the pregnant mothers regarding gestational trophoblastic disease. The present study 84% of the participants had inadequate knowledge regarding gestational trophoblastic disease before the implementation of structured teaching programme. But after the implementation of structured teaching programme18% of them had moderately adequate knowledge and 82% of them had adequate knowledge. The overall mean knowledge scores in the pre-test was 8.22 with standard deviation of 1.28.The overall mean knowledge in the post test was 24.44 with standard deviation of 4.07, The obtained ‘t’ value for pre-test and post-test was 25.94 which is greater than table value and found to be significant at the level of p<0.05and thus it proves the effectiveness of the structured teaching programme. In the present study the knowledge scores of pregnant mothers were found to be non-significant with the demographic variables i.e. Hence it indicates that there is no association between the knowledge scores of pregnant mothers and the selected demographic variables age, religion, educational status, occupation, income, type of family, area of residence, source of information, parity and weeks of pregnancy.
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