Effectiveness Of Structured Teaching Program On Health Visitors Knowledge To Word Preconception Care In Primary Health Care Setting- Pre And Post Test Study Design
Background: Preconception care is an essential component of reproductive health which does not have a footprint in our health care system in Sudan. Every woman of reproductive age who is capable of becoming pregnant is a candidate for preconception care. Studies revealed that preconception care, education would need to be provided to all primary care workers to enable them to deliver the care more confidently and to raise their awareness. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the preconception care education program on health visitor’s knowledge.
Methods: A quasi experimental study design was used. A study was conducted in primary health care centers in Khartoum state. All health visitors in primary health care centers were enrolled in to study sample n= 30. Data were collected by using structured closed ended questionnaire to measure their level of knowledge, then teaching program was applied, six months later data was recollected again and analyzed, descriptive and inferential statistics were used.
Results: The mean of knowledge level was changed from 51.8% pre intervention to 97.6% post intervention (P value = .000) health visitors' knowledge related to maternal nutrition was 57.1%, Chronic diseases 54.3 both increased to 100% in post test phase (P value = . 000).
Conclusion: Preconception Care education program is effective in improvement of health visitors' knowledge. This study comes out with the strong willingness of health visitors to provide preconception care services.
Recommendations: in- service education and training regarding PCC in order to establish preconception care services in our health care system.
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