Knowledge & Knowledge on Practice of Nurses on Health Economics
Healthcare cost is rising worldwide, leads to burden to the health system and overall population globally. Nurses, as the single largest profession in the health workforce, play a pivotal role in cost savings and in contributing to the financial stability of hospitals. Objectives: to assess knowledge and knowledge on practice of nurses on health economics. Methodology: A total of 30 nurses who worked in various hospitals were selected for this descriptive study, and data were gathered through questionnaire. Statistical analysis was performed using descriptive statistics. Result and Findings: A total of 8o% (n = 24) of nurses did not have a good knowledge of health economics. The overall mean score for economic awareness was 4.9 ± 2.1, and for economic performance was 22.2 ± 4. There was a significant relationship between the economic awareness and performance of nurses, and nurses in higher positions and years of experience had a greater knowledge of health economics. Conclusions: Considering the inadequacy of the health economics knowledge and knowledge on practice of nurses, it is essential that efforts are made to enhance their knowledge and behaviour with regard to economic issues and cost saving in all the fields of nursing, through the use of continuing education courses and workshops. Dissemination of nursing research on the value and cost effectiveness of nursing is a vital component of advocacy and influencing health policy.
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