Effectiveness of Guideline on Infection Control Measures in Terms of Knowledge and Practice of Nursing Officers Working in Maternity Unit: A quasi experimental study
A study to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of guideline on infection control measures in terms of knowledge and practice of nursing officers working in maternity unit of selected hospital of Delhi.The conceptual framework of the present study was based on the Wiedenbach’s helping art of clinical nursing theory. Research approach adopted for the study was quasi-experimental approach with pre-test post-test control group design.The sample consists of the 60 nursing officers.The tools used for the study were structured knowledge questionnaire, observation checklist for practice and a structured opinionative. The tools and guideline were validated by 12 experts and found to be valid. The internal consistency method by using Kuder Richardson-20 was used to compute the reliability of the structured knowledge questionnaire and for the reliability of the structured observational practice checklist Rank difference Formula.The final study was conducted at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi after obtaining formal administrative approval. The data obtained were organized and analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics according to objectives and hypothesis of the study. The findings of the study revealed that, the mean post-test knowledge and practice scores were higher than their mean pre-test knowledge and practice scores. The guideline on infection control measures was found to be effective strategies in enhancing the knowledge and practice of nursing officer.
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