A Study to Assess The Follow Up Services Received From Health Care Providers, Identification of Problems and Satisfaction Level Among PPIUCD Users in Selected Rural Community Under Jhargram District, West Bengal
Short intervals between births are linked with higher maternal and child mortality and morbidity. A descriptive survey was undertaken to assess follow up services received from health care providers to PPIUCD users, identification of problems and their satisfaction in selected rural community, West Bengal. The conceptual framework was based on modified Andersen’s Behavioural Model of Health Service Utilization. Simple random sampling technique (lottery method) was used to select 120 PPIUCD users as study subject. A valid (by 6 experts) and reliable structured interview schedule, physical assessment pro forma and rating scale was used to collect the data. The result of the study revealed 35% women received follow up services after PPIUCD insertion. Out of which 60% came to the health centre and 40% user having follow up check-up at their home after PPIUCD insertion. Most (78%) of the users did not visit to the health facility after PPICD insertion. Among 78%, majority (55%) did not visit to the health facility due to they are doing well. As per the history 5.26% of 6-12months users having the problem of heavy bleeding.12.06% of users of 1-3 months having the problem of irregular bleeding.8.62% of users of 1-3 months having the problem of missed period. 12.5% of users of 3-6 months having the problem of abdominal pain. 1.73% of users of 1-3 months having the problem of fever. As per the examination majority (53%) of the users having anaemia. Among them maximum 48.44% of 1-3 months users having mild anaemia, few (6.25%) of 3-6 months users having moderate anaemia whereas, 6.25% of 1-3 months users having severe anaemia. Most (92.50%) of the women were moderately satisfied. No significant association found between all identified problems with the selected demographic variables (age, parity, educational level and socio-economic class). A significant association was found between follow up services and satisfaction (Chi square df (2) =11.73*, p<0.05). The implication of the study in the field of nursing practice is to emphasis on follow up services while giving training on PPIUCD and while providing services to the client. A study can be conducted to assess the quality of follow up services.
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