Optimal Modelling of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems: A bibliographical survey
Cheng-Dar Yue et al. (2016). Integration of optimal combinations of renewable energy sources into the energy supply of Wang- An Island. Renewable Energy, 86, 930-942.
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Satish Kumar Ramoji et al. (2014). Optimization of Hybrid PV/Wind Energy System Using Gentic Algorithm (GA). Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 4, 29-37.
A.T.D. Perera and Ashen Wijesiri (2014). Designing Smart Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems with V2G.
Fatima Zahra Kadda et al. (2013). Optimal Energy Management of an Autonomous Hybrid System by using the Linear Programming Method.
Priyanka Paliwal et al. (2014).Determination of reliability constrained optimal resource mix for an autonomous hybrid power system using Particle Swarm Optimization. Renewable Energy, 63, 94-204.
Abdolvahhab Fetanata and Ehsan Khorasaninejad (2015). Size optimization for hybrid photovoltaic–wind energy system using ant colony optimization for continuous domains based integer programming. Applied Soft Computing, 1-14.
G.J.Dalton et al. (2009). Feasibility analysis of renewable energy supply option for a grid-connected large hotel. Renewable Energy, 34,.955-964.
W.D.Kellong et al. (1998) .Generation Unit Sizing and cost Analysis
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IEEE Transaction on Energy Conversion,13, 70-75.
Jong Hwan Lim (2012). Optimal Combination and Sizing of a New and Renewable Hybrid Generation System. International journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, 5.
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