Solar-Panel Base Stations Green Communication for 5G Network
As we can say that 5G Technology can fulfill our hug data demand but it has their own demands with regards bandwidth and many designing parameters from new bands to wider bandwidth.5G New Radio (NR) presents critical designingThe 5G wireless network can fulfill the Desire of the customer with efficient in terms of cost and eco friendly. As we know new tower needs their own energy requirement and this energy requirement traditionally fulfilled by the power sources. they are traditional that means the power generation by them is not absolutely Green Power in other sense we can say that the power generation by traditional source is harmful for the environment but in case of green communication the power generation is fulfilled by green energy which is more eco friendly and reduce the cost of stations. This paper presents a number of survey on using the energy in efficient manner in green communication, which spectrum sharing, massive MIMO, millimetre wave networks. And can be recover the battery lifetime of user terminals in a network by solar panel network.As power observed in the networks cannot be overlooked, secure power optimization is studied, and the possible power observe on users within the small cell access point (SCA) of the 5G networks is proposed. Due to refraction the power which is comes from the Solar waves will appear on the wall get reduced it may be due to high bandwidth and small angle of millimetre wave in the In the simulation After a wave beam fall on wall reflection and other phenomenon of light also takes place. For reduction of energy consumption through light phenomenon the wave therefore will select an mmWave BS. Because the number of macro-cells will affect the communication quality due to attenuation and the computational cruciality, this paper especially focuses on three factors of a network: delay, capacity, and path loss, and purposes to figure out the most energy-efficient BS densities for 5G-based green communications and efficient as for as data cost of the 5G network is concern.Because the number of macro-cells will affect the communication quality and the computational complexity, this paper also focuses on three things of a network: delay, capacity, and path loss.So that the most energy-efficient BS densities for 5G-based green communications can get access.Some of the important research challenges in green communication and security have been discussed, and the ongoing projects and standardization activities also stated in terms of the Indian energy scenario. As we are looking towards environmental ensues also and this concern small pollutant become more challenging in the India as well as other countries.As the Indian and other tropical countries that have rich environment with respect to solar radiations. The average temperature (23-31 dig.cel.) which is efficient for highly sensitivity panel.Our focus in the paper is optimization of data transmissions and connections between 5G base stations (BSs) as well as the improvement of access technologies and transmission methods in consideration of massive multi-input multi-output, a key technology in 5G networks with efficient cost by using solar panel at BS and reduces the cost for user. In order to reach an access technology supported by multiple BSs and small cells, we use 5G millimeter wave (mmWave), due to its high coherent characteristics and sensitivity to blockage, to enhance the connection system.
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