Power Excellence Upgrading in Wind Energy Structure: A Review
Power generation is always done keeping in mind the power generating cost and making the generation capability optimal. In this paper, a survey is carried out on the De-coupling STATCOM which is a device used for power quality improvement and is being used extensively for wind generating farms. It analyzes the design aspects of the conventional STATCOM and then the de-coupling STATCOM. Literature survey is carried out and presented.
KK Prasad, H Myneni, GS Kumar, “Power Quality Improvement and PV Power Injection by DSTATCOM with Variable DC Link Voltage Control from RSC-MLC”, IEEE 2019
MR Nasiri, S Farhangi, “Model predictive control of a multilevel CHB STATCOM in wind farm application using diophantine equations”, IEEE 2019
AR Gupta, A Kumar, “Reactive power deployment and cost benefit analysis in DNO operated distribution electricity markets with D-STATCOM”, Springer 2019
KDE Kerrouche, L Wang, A Mezouar, “Fractional-order sliding mode control for D-STATCOM connected wind farm based DFIG under voltage unbalanced conditions”, Springer 2019
S Choudhury, P Bhowmik, PK Rout, “Economic load sharing in a D-STATCOM integrated islanded microgrid based on fuzzy logic and seeker optimization approach”, Elsevier 2018
A Khoshooei, JS Moghani, I Candela, “Control of D-STATCOM during unbalanced grid faults based on DC voltage oscillations and peak current limitations”, IEEE 2018
Moayed Moghbel, Mohammad A. S. Masoum , Alireza Fereidouni, Sara Deilami, “Optimal Sizing, Siting and Operation of Custom Power Devices With STATCOM and APLC Functions for Real-Time Reactive Power and Network Voltage Quality Control of Smart Grid”, IEEE 2018
T Yuvaraja, K Ramya, M Gopinath, “Meandering Vector Control Strategy as D-STATCOM in Renewable Cluster Grid for Power Optimization”, Elsevier 2018
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P Sarvghadi, R Ghazi, “A new approach for predictive control system design to improve power factor and reduce harmonic current injection using D-STATCOM”, IEEE 2017
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Z Shu, N Ding, J Chen, H Zhu, “Multilevel SVPWM with DC-link capacitor voltage balancing control for diode-clamped multilevel converter based STATCOM”, IEEE 2013
TL Lee, SH Hu, YH Chan, “D-STATCOM with Positive-Sequence Admittance and Negative-Sequence Conductance to Mitigate Voltage Fluctuations in High-Level Penetration of Distributed-Generation Systems”, IEEE 2013
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C Tareila, P Sotoodeh, RD Miller, “Design and control of a single-phase D-STATCOM inverter for wind applications”, IEEE 2012
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