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Energy Audit on a Secondary Distribution System and Measures to Improve its Performance- A Case Study

Mr. Shivakumar L N, Mr. Kirankumar G R, Dr. S B Shivakumar


This paper presents the energy audit work carried out in low tension(LT) distribution network and various alternative proposals have been examined for the improvement of performance of the LT network. The network is simulated for a peak load using Mipower package to segregate technical and commercial losses. The various alternative proposals examined are relocating of DTC, addition of DTC, providing express line and reconductoring. The present worth analysis is also carried out for each alternative proposal.

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A seminar report on “Energy Auditing inSecondary Distribution System” by H.R Venkatesh, Deputy General Manger –PS. Power Research & Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


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