Fuzzy Logic based Controller for Power Transformer Protection
Power transformers are imperative elements of power system. So it is substantial to evade any mal-operation of required protective system. For many years, differential protection has been used as the primary protection of power systems. It comprises the differential relay, which operate for all internal fault types of power transformer and block due to inrush current. The major disadvantage of the branch of differential protection relays, its potential malfunction resulting from transient inrush current that flows when the transformer is energized. This paper presents a novel technique of relaying algorithm which enhances the fault detection methodology of the orthodox techniques by using fuzzy logic. The proposed relaying technique depends on the principle of harmonic-current restraint. In this method the magnetizing-inrush current is categorized by large 2nd harmonic contents.
Vikramsingh R. Parihar, et.al “Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic Based Controller for Transformer Protection” International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research (IJCESR), Volume-4, Issue-9, 2017.
Vikramsingh R. Parihar, et.al “Power Transformer Protection using Fuzzy Logic based Controller” International Journal of Engineering Research (IJER), Volume No.6, Issue No.7, pp : 366-370, 2017
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