Polyphase Inverter for AC Drives
This paper is based on Polyphase multilevel inverter with single DC source. In order to reduce the harmonics and torque ripple for smooth operation of the machine and so that it will help to reduce the amount of heat generated. The motor has to be supplied with Polyphase supply greater than the three phase supply. Selection of even number of phases should be avoided so that, it helps to decrease the performance of the motor. The system setup has been involving the voltage source inverter as well as the Polyphase multi-level inverter. The effects are through performing the scenario which considers the performance effects for the load on induction machine, automobile, Propeller. PWM Technique is used to generate the pulses for the inverter. The theory of reference frame has to be used for analyze the performance of polyphase induction machine.
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Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 8(19), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2015/v8i19/70129, August 2015
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