Improvement in Primary Frequency Control from Smart Load utilizing Reactive Compensation
By the growing infiltration of asynchronous inverter interfaced generation (solar, wind, etc.), the actual inertia of upcoming power systems is expected to scale back drastically. These would make the primary frequency management far more difficult than what it is presently. Frequency-dependent loads inherently contribute to primary frequency response. Improvement in control of primary frequency is based on non-critical loads, which is based on voltage dependent, which may tolerate a huge variation of voltage examined. Here, smart load (SL) comprises of a voltage compensator which is series-connected in between voltage dependent load and mains, so that it can tolerate large variation. Such a load is henceforth referred to as non-critical load. By using a series of reactive compensators to decouple the non-critical load from the mains to create a smart load, the voltage and hence the active power of the non-critical load can be controlled to control the mains frequency. The effectiveness of smart load is presented by incorporating it in an IEEE 37 node test feeder.
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