Interconnection Distance Relay Protection for Wind Power Distributed Generation
A new method based on distance relaying is proposed to analyze and improve the performance of interconnection protection for wind power Distributed Generation (DG) in distribution systems. The proposed scheme is a back-Electromotive-Force (EMF) model reference adaptive system (MRAS)-based sensor less control scheme. Both the reference model and the adaptive model of the proposed back-EMF-based DFIG are investigated based on the stator-side and the rotor-side dynamic models of the DFIG. Distance protection that uses the concept of pre-fault voltages as reference quantities found to have issues with intermittent behavior of wind power DG. This concept is normally used in different distance protective relaying applications. To increase the fault resistance coverage capability of the distance relays as well as ensure selectivity, dependability and security under extreme under voltages this concept is used. Wind generation can have a significant impact on power flow,voltage profile, and stability and continuity of power. To increase the fault resistance coverage capability of the distance relays as well as ensure selectivity, dependability and security under extreme under voltages this concept is used. The increasing wind penetration would translate into more interconnections and longer lines, which would move the system closer to its limits unless expensive reinforcements are implemented. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze this issue and propose a method to enhance the performance of distance protection to overcome this issue.
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