Automatic Generation Control of Multi Area Power Systems with Wind Energy
The load on a power system varies continuously, as a result frequency change continuously.Therefore, automatic generation control (AGC) is required to bring back the frequency to reference value and is used to control the deviations in tie-line power as scheduled by maintaining constant rated frequency. The extended power system divided into number of areas which are interconnected by tie-lines leads to multi area power system. Present scenario is shifted towards renewable energy; therefore, wind energy generation is also taken into account. In this paper, AGC of a three-area power system including wind energy is
carried out using MATLAB/Simulink software. The three areas consist of non-reheat thermal;reheat thermal and hydro generations along with wind energy generation in each area. The control techniques used are active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) and PID controllers. PID controllers are tuned by Zeigler-Nichols (ZN) method and particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique. Here, we use ADRC for conventional generators and PID controllers tuned by PSO for wind energy of the three areas as option one. This control
option is compared with all PID controllers tuned by PSO (option two) and all PID
controllers tuned by Z-N method (option three). The results show that option one control employing both ADRC and PID controllers is good in terms of overshoots, settling times.
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