A Review on Corrosion Studies of Titanium Alloys
Titanium and its alloys are used for manufacturing for some parts of automobiles, aerospace and artificial implants of human body. These alloys undergo various manufacturing processes like machining, joining, casting depending on the application. When components are made with titanium and its alloys during service, they are subjected to various conditions. There is a need to study the corrosion behaviour of these alloys in various mediums to access the resistivity. Hence in this paper an attempt is made to summarise the works done by earlier researchers on corrosion studies of titanium and its alloys.
John A.Mountford,Jr. Director of Marketing, Titanium – Properties, Advantages And Applications Solving The Corrosion Problems In Marine Service corrosion 2002, Paper 02170.
S.Lalik, J.Cebulski, R.Michalik, Corrosion Resistance Of Welding Joint From Titanium In Water Solution Of Hydrochloric Acid, Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, Volume 20, Issues1-2,Jan – Feb 2007, Page no.:147-150.
Yanping Zhu, Changyi Li and Lianyun Zhang, Effects Of Cryo- Treatment Behavior And Mechanical Properties Of Laser-Welded Commercial Titanium, Materials Transactions, Vol.55, No.3(2014) pp.511 to 516.
Robert P.Houser, Performance Of Eleven Ti Alloys In High Temperature, High Pressure Brine Solution, Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2010 Bali, Indonesia, 25-29 April 2010.
Abdurrahim, Ali A. Corrosion Behaviour Of Welded Joints Within Chloride and Chloride/CO[2] Environments, Doctorial, Sheffield Hallam University (United Kingdom).
S.T.Auwal , S.Ramesh, F.Yusof, S.M.Manladan A Review on Laser Beam Welding of Titanium Alloys, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Published online, 20 April 2018, Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-018-2030-x.
Mitsuo ISHII, Takashi ODA, Michio KANEKO, Titanium and Its Alloys as Key Materials for Corrosion Protection Engineering, Nippon Steel Technical Report No.87, January 2003, UDC 699 .295: 620.197.
AnimeshChoubey, BikramjitBasu and R.Balasubramaniam, Electrochemical Behavior of Ti-Based Alloys in Simulated Human Body Fluid Environment, Trends Biomater. Artif. Organs, Vol 18(2), January 2005, pp 64-72.
Jing Liu, High Temperature and High Pressure Corrosion of Titanium In Hydrometallurgical Applications, Doctorial, The University Of British Columbia (Vancouver), March 2015.
Nikolay Vasilev Ferdinandov, Danail DititrovGospodinov, Mariana DimiTrovaIlieva, Rossen Hristov Radev, Structure and Pitting Corrosion Of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy And Ti-6Al-4V Welds, ICAMS 2018 – 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems, https://doi.org/10.24264/icams-2018.VI.7.
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