Spatio-temporal geostatistical modeling of hydrogeochemical parameters in the San Diego aquifer, Venezuela

Dr. Adriana Márquez Romance, Dr. Edilberto Guevara Pérez, Dr. Demetrio Rey Lago


The study is developed a spatio-temporal geostatistical modeling of hydrogeochemical parameters in the San Diego aquifer, Carabobo State, Venezuela during the period 2015-2017. ; which includes: 1) Collection of information as: a) Meteorological, b) Lithological profiles, c) pumping flow, d) water dynamic levels, e) Landsat Satellite Images and f) Digital Elevation Model. 2) Processing of information, including: a) Calibration of geostatistical models, b) validation of geostatistical models, c) calibration of forecast model, and d) application of forecast model. 3) Generation of Results, including: maps of the hydrogeochemical parameters showing spatio-temporal distribution of following parameters: Precipitation, Evapotranspiration, Pumping Flow, Infiltration, Volume Stored, Physico-chemical Parameters (PCP), Hydraulic Parameters, Mass Flow of PCP. The meteorological information has been gotten from the telemetric network of 31 climate monitoring stations close to San Diego aquifer managed by the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology belonging to Ministry of the Environment.  The database of water levels, physico-chemical parameters and pumping flow consists of 1201 pumping wells in the Carabobo State.  The San Diego aquifer is confined aquifer. Hydrological processes in the San Diego aquifer such as infiltration and permeability are influenced by the impermeability in the urban area of the Sand Diego aquifer, which is around 20% of the total area, reducing the contribution rates to the aquifer water. The division between the main water compositions corresponding to the water classes is coincident with the division of rocky material according to the geological periods triassic and quaternary, being the water classes:  1) Bicarbonate of Calcium and/or Magnesium Ca–Mg–HCO3 (North and Central regions, 95.16 km2, 81.25%) 2) Bicarbonate of Sodium Na–HCO3 (Central and South regions, 19.32 km2, 16.5%), 3) Sulfate or Chloride of Calcium and/or Magnesium Ca-Mg-SO4 and Ca-Mg-Cl (South region, 0.96 km2, 0.82%), 4) Sulfate and/or Chloride of Sodium Na-SO4 and Na-Cl (South region, 1.68 km2, 1.43%).  In the south region, the water is highly mineralized and its composition corresponds to the classes 2-4.  In the south region, it might be occurring an inverse hydraulic gradient from Valencia Lake to San Diego aquifer during the dry season, incorporating the water of the Valencia Lake to the San Diego aquifer and increasing the concentration

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