Independent Daily Living Skills and Self-Care Capacity among Visually Impaired Child: A Descriptive Study

Samya M, Hegaz, Ayat Masoud Omar, Intisar E., Mohamed


Introduction: Visually handicapped children unable to carry out normal activities because of defects of vision, including blindness the aim of the study was to evaluate levels of dependency of doing daily Living Skills and self-care capacity among Visually Impaired child Aim: To evaluate levels of dependency of doing daily Living Skills and self-care capacity among Visually Impaired child. Research design: A descriptive design was used in this study. Setting: This study was conducted in El Noor schools of visual handicap at Tanta city sample: It contains (9) class room with the total number of (86) students with visual handicap. Tools of Data collection: Two tools were used to collect the required data, 1:-Structured interview schedule and structured observational check list. The results: It was revealed that there were statistically significant difference between the total score of self-dependence in relation to the socio-demographic variables such as Age in years and Educational level Conclusion & Recommendations: There was a highly statistically significant relationship between total score of self-dependence and socio-demographic factors as regards to age, educational level and residence. This may be due to lack of mother's knowledge, lack of supervision, follow up of child and lack of motivation resources and facilities that affect children knowledge and performance. Therefore the study recommended in service training programs and workshops should be conducted for those children to improve their knowledge and performance, health education to mothers about self-care management to child and program about care of their child.


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