Assessing the Knowledge Regarding Episiotomy Care among Primigravida Mothers

Mrs. Neelam


Background: : Health has been recognized as the greatest wealth from time immemorial today. In the era of consumerism; self-care is getting more emphasis because there is growing awareness about health in the population. People’s health in people’s hands has become the central theme of all nursing transactions. Nursing care such as perineal toileting, perineal hygiene and episiotomy care are therefore oriented towards making the patient self-sufficient. Aim of the Study: The present study was conducted on 60 primigravida mothers to assess the knowledge regarding Episiotomy Care among them in GGS Medical College and Hospital, Faridkot, Punjab. Material and Methods: A Non-experimental descriptive research approach and design was used. The pilot study was conducted on 6 (10% of total sample) primigravida mothers in Civil Hospital, Faridkot. Main study was carried out in GGS Medical College and Hospital, Faridkot on 60 primigravida mothers. Non-probability convenient sampling technique was used. The tool used for data collection consisted of 2 parts- Part 1 containing7 socio-demographic variables and Part 2 containing 25 questions to assess the knowledge regarding episiotomy care among primigravida mothers. Data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics.  Results: The findings of the study revealed that out of the total respondents: 58.3 % had average knowledge, 38.3 % had good knowledge, and 3.33 % had poor knowledge regarding episiotomy care. There was non-significant association between knowledge regarding episiotomy care among primigravida mothers with selected demographic variables except for occupation of the respondents.


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