Assessment of the Effectiveness of Different Curing Practices
Concrete plays a vital role in modern infrastructure construction system. The properties of hardened concrete are significantly influence by curing conditions and curing materials, because it influences the hydration of cement. For advancement in construction, chemical industry has attention towards development of new curing techniques and construction chemicals such as membrane curing compound, self-curing compound, covering with wet rug and accelerators, water proofing compounds etc. Conventional methods of curing are more expensive with emergent scale of project and much practical issue, so they are replaced by membrane curing compound and self-curing agent up to some extent. They are also used in accessible area, vertical structure and water scare area. In this research work the effect on compressive strength by different curing practises on M25 grade concrete. The mixes were prepared using constant water cement ratio (w/c) of 0.48 by weight.
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