Design and Implementation of Mobile Phone Signal Detector
This paper presents, design and development of a digital signal detector, which is capable of
detecting incoming and outgoing signals from mobile phones. The presence of an activated
mobile phone can be detected by this handy, pocket-size mobile signal detector from a
distance of one and a half meters, which can be employed in preventing the use of mobile
phones in examination rooms, confidential halls, etc. It is also useful for detecting the mobile
phone used for spying and unauthorized video transmission. The deviceiscapable to detect
the incoming and outing calls, text messages, and video transmission, even if the mobile is
kept in the silent mode. The instant the device detects radio frequency transmission signal
from an activated mobile phone, the light emitting diode starts blinking.
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The Pacific Journal of Science and
htm Volume 15. Number 2. November
Ajasa, A.A., O. Shoewu, and P.O.
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of a Mobile Phone Signal Detector”.
Pacific Journal of Science and
Technology. 2014, 15(2):167-172.
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