Wide-Beamwidth Broadband Antenna Using S-Shaped Dipole And Microstrip Antenna

Mr. Dinesh Kadam, Ms. ManaliJadhav, Ms. PoojaVichare


Bandwidth of compact S-shaped Microstrip antenna has been increased by cutting S-shaped slot inside the patch. This paper presents a novel circularly polarized (CP) printed antenna with wide bandwidth and wide axial ratio (AR) beam width and the study of broadband response in slot cut S-shape Microstrip antenna. The wide beam width antenna is realized by bending a linearly polarized dipole into “S” shape with variable line width, which achieves circularly polarized radiation. It is found that this “S” antenna has some similar features to the linear polarized dipole, such as the feeding method, the radiation pattern in some main planes and nearly omnidirectional radiation in one main plane. The S-shaped slot modifies the surface current distribution at TM20 mode that gives broadside radiation pattern over complete bandwidth with peak broadside antenna gain of nearly 7.5 dBi.

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