Per Unit Cost Calculation of a Stand Alone PV System Considering the Equipment Cost

Ahmed Solayman Chowdhury, Shazia Afroze


This paper contains the per unit cost Calculation of standalone Photovoltaic Systems (Home Solar Electricity) for residential use. In this paper on the photovoltaic system, the overall approach will be: First calculate the cost of each major component in terms of user specified variables. The user specified variables are taken at Peak power as what is required to power appliances and energy total consumed per day on average Hours of sunshine. After calculating the components costs, we add them up to create simple formulas with which to answer each of the questions above. The major components of a solar PV system are inverter, solar panels and Batteries. Inverter is a device that converts DC power into AC power at desire output voltage and frequency. This will help us to use home appliances and its major part of producing solar PV system.

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