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Assessment of air quality status in Tirumala town, India

ramakanth angatha, Arpan Mehar


In the current scenario, pollution of air is a relentless problem in all metropolitan regions. The rate of growth in population, industries, thermal power plants and expeditious increase in vehicles is gradually decaying the air quality condition in urban areas. In this context, there is a significant need of continuous monitoring of air quality levels to control the air quality. The present study was accentuated on quantifying the air quality indices for assessing the condition of air in Tirumala town. In this study, the concentrations of various air pollutants for the duration of last three years have been collected and quantified for study area. The Air Quality Index (AQI) and status of air quality have been distinguished over the past years using three empirical methods such as Indian AQI method (IND AQI), United States Environmental Protection Agency method (USEPA) and Average method. This study also diagnosed the seasonal variation of air quality for various seasons in a year. This experimental study showed the air quality is rate is poor in winter when compared to summer and monsoon seasons. This study eventually contended that the status of air quality is declining year by year and in all the years NOX (Nitric Oxide) pollutant is more responsible and hazardous which is mainly emitted in the areas of high motor vehicular traffic.

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