Modal examination is a great instrument to categorize the dynamic features of structure and material. All structures and materials that shake through high largeness of shaking at its own resonant frequency. For improving its strength, it is important to know the modal frequencyresonant frequency, modal figure and curbing features of the structure and material at its changing functioning circumstances and dependability at project point. Such a material in construction industry is brick. Brick is one of the most used structural materials for brick wall masonry, so it is necessary to identify its durability and reliability before use in construction. Water absorption is one of the property of all types of bricks, the allowable water absorption for standard brick, later involvement in the water for 24 hours, must not be more than 20 percent through heaviness of the brick. This system, we are using to measure the water content of brick wall is natural frequency, which is new in field of construction. Natural frequency is the frequency at which a method wavers once not exposed to an incessant or recurrent outside force. The basic idea behind this technology is that modal parameters of brick wall like (geometrical parameters, material properties) are the functions of the physical properties of the brick. Variations in the physical possessions will reason obvious changes in the modal attributes. By use of natural frequency to detect water content will be very useful for onsite detection of moisture.
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IS 1893, IS 3495(part 1), IS 2212, IS 1077, IS 1905
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