Water in Urban Landscape
Water is nurturing. It sustains life. Throughout the stages and generations of designing spaces in the outdoors, water has been considered as a phenomenal part of aesthecity. What, when, how and why are the questions which still needs to be answered. What are the benefits, when can they be used, how to design the water element and why is water necessary? Many architects and urban designers strive to incorporate water as a constituent in their works giving different justifications and concepts. These being, enhancing the microclimate, bringing excitement, calling for activities, de-stressing our minds, giving a beauty of vision and imparting equanimity. Generally, humans prefer to live close to water. Through ages, settlements are built bordering water bodies because as much as water balances the system within us, it also pacifies our mind. So, let us combine and re-understand the capabilities of water, if present in our surroundings and comprehend a renewed definition of water in urban landscapes in the modern epoch.
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