Cultural urban heritage at the challenge of urban planning policy Rabat and Casablanca as example (1912-2018)
Cultural heritage in Morocco, has become one of the factors of local development, it is framed by texts of specific laws, but it is often the subject of multiple legal interpretations even contradictory by overlaying other law governing other areas, especially as regards urban regulation.
It is being debated by heritage architects who challenge its implementation as a conservative solution. The approach of safeguarding, conserving, restoring or rehabilitating domestic buildings is not considered as a regulated action, except for a few restorations of classified monuments, and finds in some conservation solutions a solution for maintaining a heritage image!
This new approach to the wider patrimony, which no longer stops only at the monument, but becomes an urban project carried by the actors, has cast hope for its care, in the years to come, because until now only a few intellectuals and initiates have argued for its safeguarding.
CHOAY, Françoise, L’allégorie du patrimoine, Paris : Seuil 1992, 270p
LADREIT DELACHARRIERE Jacques, La Pacification du Maroc, 1907 – 1934, Paris : publications du Comité de l’Afrique Française 1936, 10p.
ABOUHANI Abdelghani et PHILIFERT Pascale, La planification urbaine au Maroc, rigueur normative et espace urbain fragmenté, sous la coordination DE MIRAS Claude, Rabat, INAU-IRD 2009. 478p.
POULOT Dominique Le patrimoine et les aventures de la modernité, Paris, Patrimoine et modernité: Le Harmattan, 1998. 41p.
VINCENT Jean Marie, Façadisme et identité urbaine, Paris, collectif Éditions du patrimoine collection Idées et débats, 2001, 384p.
SOUAMI Taoufiq, VERDEIL Eric, Concevoir et gérer les villes - Milieux d'urbanistes du Sud de la Méditerranée, Economica, Anthropos, collection « Villes », 2006, 230 p.
LOUDIER-MALGOUYRES Céline, VALLET Bertrand, L’influence de la sécurité sur la conception urbaine, les cahiers n°155, 2010.
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