Material since Ages: Wood
In this scenario we face many things natural or manmade, but the natural resources have the ultimate attraction and beauty towards mankind. A natural resource is anything that people can use, which comes from nature. People do not make natural resources but gather them from earth. Natural resources include all naturally occurring materials which include wood in itself. Wood is considered as one of the most important elements of nature. Wood is an excellent medium. It’s strong, light and flexible. You can shape it, carve it, colour it.Collecting wood simply for its natural beauty is the start of many of useful works. Using wood that have been recycled gives works the most pleasure. It has been appreciated about being the ability to transform a row resource into a timeless piece of art. Wood being used in various products is nowadays a favourite element for people which are directly derived from nature. The aim of this research paper is to expand the utilisation of wood by improving its performance.
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