An Experimental Test Rig for Estimation of Thermal Conductivity of Fluids by Steady State Approach
Present day industries call for high thermal conductivity fluids that are capable of enhanced heat transfer ability. Measuring thermal conductivity of fluid has been a challenge since a long time. Various researchers have worked to establish set-ups to find the thermal conductivity of different fluids. In the present work a novel method of finding thermal conductivity of liquids using steady state parallel plate hot guarded apparatus is proposed and fabricated to test its effectiveness in measuring the thermal conductivity value for different fluids like water, transformer oil and Vulcan Strub coolant oil. The measured values of thermal conductivity using this devised test-rig are in conjunction with the standard values with a maximum error of within 5% range. Thus setting a confidence level of 95 %. The device can be used for measuring conductivity of all liquids by considering a thin film steady state condition.
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