Eigen Value Analysis for Sub Synchronous Resonance Mitigation in Transmission Lines
Series compensation for transmission line is vital as it increases the electricity switch capability of a transmission line. Employing series reimbursement also ends in phenomenon of sub synchronous resonance (SSR) wherein, the electrical and mechanical herbal frequencies suit and alternate strength leading to excitation of herbal torsional modes of the turbine generator unit. Thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC) has made it viable for the short manipulate of power go with the flow within the transmission line. The side-line of TCSC is to boom transmission traces functionality and also damps out sub-synchronous resonances (SSR) as result of energy oscillation damping. It has been known due to the fact a long time that series reimbursement for fixed capacitors is a both value and useful resource effective manner of enhancing strength float in comparison to conventional production of recent traces. It turned into generally believed that 70% reimbursement may be used with none hassle up to 1971. It was learnt that constant series reimbursement can motive sub-synchronous resonance (SSR) through 1971. The TCSC is a reactive electricity compensating flexible alternating current transmission system tool for many advantages which include variable compensation and strength manipulate. A controller that's able to SSR detection as soon because the guide transfer is put on is designed, which is sub synchronous damping controller (SSDC). SSDC detects the sub synchronous resonance phenomenon and directs the correct sign of the TCSC. TCSC can in all likelihood mitigate the SSR. In this papers Eigen price evaluation technique and manipulate of strength machined oscillations the usage of TCSC was advanced. The description of energy machine oscillations using the Eigen values and eigenvectors of the state matrix are in element. The effectiveness of the method used improves the transmission functionality.
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