Modelling and Analysis of Wheel Used in Light Commercial Vehicle
A modern wheel of a vehicle is defined as a circular component that is intended to rotate on an axle bearing. In-order to keep up with the requirements of the market, original equipment manufacturers utilize the latest technology to design and produce wheels. The prime technology which vastly helps in the production of wheel rim is computer aided designing (CAD) software and analysis software. In this paper we have utilized CAD and analysis software to their fullest potential. The modeling of the wheel is made by using CATIA and is imported to ANSYS for analysis work. ANSYS programming is utilized for reproducing the diverse powers, weight following up on the segment and for ascertaining and review the outcomes. A solver mode in ANSYS programming figures the bending moments ,stress and deflections their relations without manual mediations, decreases the time contrasted and the strategy for scientific counts by a human. ANSYS static analysis work is carried out by considering SAPH 440 material with different geometry (proposals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) and their relative performances have been observed respectively. In this paper observing the result Proposal 6 has met the requirement and is suggested for prototyping
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