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Design and Analysis of a Water Distribution Network in a Sub-Urban Zone using EPANET

Mr Shabbir Ahmed Osmani, Md. Humayun Kabir, Mr Rahat Rahman Chowdhury


A number of simulation softwares has been developed to design a pipe network for adequate supply of water and to provide a most safe and suitable distribution system. The present study is carried out to find an approach on designing a water distribution system for a sub-urban zone using EPANET. The population forecast was done to emphasize the durability of the network for long-term use. By exerting a sufficient hydraulic head the network has supplied the adequate flow, pressure and velocity to the nodes at downstream. The approach has been checked to cover the study zone and, so the proposed network can be used for the real application of a water supply system. The overall network went satisfactory fulfilling a balance on supply and demand.

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