Nivaara Housing System is a semi-permanent housing solution which gives all the sophisticated solution to the mass housing problem by providing a solution which affects a house within a day without any special tools it is so design that it doesn't Just provide housing but also gives a Lifestyle that is a place to work a place to learn or a place in which one can actually live. Portability, hygiene, versatility and privacy is being given utmost priority while designing Nivaara
Natural Disaster, Mitigation and Sustainability: The Case of Developing Countries SOUHEIL EL-MASRI & GRAHAM TIPPLE
The post-disaster temporary dwelling: Fundamentals of provision, design and construction AdhamHanyAbulnour
Emergency constructions in catastrophe affected regions. Development of a constructive solution in advanced composite materials. Masters Dissertation in Civil Engineering Supervisor: Prof. João Pedro Ramôa Ribeiro Correia Co-Supervisor: Prof. Fernando António Baptista Branco
Pre-Design of Transitional Rural Housing for Syria with Recycled Rubble from Destroyed Buildings Naomi Morishita, Salah Haj Ismail, Rukiye Cetin
On Fast Transition between Shelters and Housing after Natural Disasters in Developing Regions Gary S. Prinz, Alain Nussbaumer Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Housing Recovery after Disasters: Primary versus Seasonal/Vacation Housing Markets in Coastal Communities Sara Hamideh, Walter G. Peacock ,Shannon Van Zandt.
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