A Review on Pulsed TIG welding
TIG welding is one of the most useable manufacturing process for the fabrication. High quality welded joint with fever defect is primarily required in the present manufacturing scenario. Since hear affected zone (HAZ) the strength of welded joint therefore pulsed TIG welding process is used. It is mostly used for fully mechanised and automated welding process. The welding current changes periodically between a high pulse current IP and low current IG value. In the basic current phase, the low temperature causes a decrease in volume of the molten pool. Thus the heat input is reduced and optimum control of the molten bath is ensured. It is found that pulsed TIG welding process produced fine grain compared to conventional TIG welding. Pulsed TIG welding have several advantages including low heat, greater control over the work to know the effect of various input parameter that affect the tensile strength of the welded joint. Minitab18 is used to find optimum parameter.
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