Ballistic overall performance of the natural Cu substances
Numerical simulations have been carried out to compare ballistic overall performance and penetration mechanism of copper (Cu) with 4 consultant grain sizes. Ballistic restrict velocities for coarse-grained (CG) copper (grain length ≈ 90 μm), ordinary copper (grain length ≈ 30 μm), excellent-grained (FG) copper (grain length ≈ 890░nm), and ultrafine-grained (UG) copper (grain length ≈ 2 hundred nm) were decided for the primary time via the simulations. It become found that the copper with reduced grain length would provide better electricity and higher ductility, and therefore renders improved ballistic overall performance than the CG and everyday copper. high speed impact and penetration behavior of the FG and UG copper changed into also as compared with the CG coppers bolstered by nanotwinned (NT) areas. The comparison consequences confirmed the impact and penetration resistance of UG copper is comparable to the CG copper bolstered by NT regions with the minimal twin spacing. Therefore, besides the NT-strengthened copper, the single section copper with nanoscale grain length could also be a robust candidate cloth for better ballistic protection. A computational modeling and simulation framework became proposed for this have a look at, in which Johnson--cook dinner (JC) constitutive version is used to expect the plastic deformation of Cu; the JC harm version is to capture the penetration and fragmentation behavior of Cu; Bao--Wierzbicki (B-W) failure criterion defines the material’s failure mechanisms; and temperature boom at some stage in this adiabatic penetration method is given by way of the Taylor--Quinney approach.
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