Multi-Objective Optimization of Material Removal Rate and Surface Roughness in Dry Turning of Aluminium Alloy AA7075 Using Taguchi-Utility Method
In the present work, Taguchi techniques are employed to find out the optimal combination of cutting parameters in dry turning of Aluminium alloy AA7075 using a tungsten carbide tool. The experiments are planned as per the Taguchi’s standard L9 (3^3) Orthogonal Array. Cutting speed, feed and depth of cut are selected as the three controllable variables at three different levels, whereas Material Removal Rate (MRR) and Surface Roughness (Ra) are considered as the experimental output characteristics. Single objective Taguchi method and Taguchi based Utility methods are employed for the optimization of individual and multi-responses respectively. From the single objective Taguchi method, the optimal setting of the cutting parameters is found at N3-f3-d3 (2000 RPM, 0.4 mm/rev, 1 mm) for Material Removal Rate and at N1-f1-d2 (1000 RPM, 0.2 mm/rev, 0.75 mm) for Surface Roughness. The ANOVA and F-tests are used to find the significance of the cutting parameters on the responses and from the results it is found that the depth of cut and feed are the more significant parameters in effecting the MRR and Ra respectively.The results of multi-response optimization based on utility analysis show that high values of cutting speed (2000 RPM), depth of cut (1 mm) and a low value of feed (0.2 mm/rev) are required to achieve a high material removal rate and low surface roughness simultaneously. The feed is found to be the high significant parameter in affecting the multi-responses.
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