Effect of WEDM Process Parameters on the Multiple Responses Using VIKOR Analysis
The off-line statistical tools like the Design of experiments and taguchi methods can be able to solvethe problems with single response effectively but they cannot be employ for solving the problems which includes several performance characteristics. A Multi-criteria-decision-making (MCDM) method VIKOR analysis has been employed in the present workto determine the optimal setting of wire EDM process parameters. The experiments were conducted with the WEDM process parameters of Pulse-on-time (Pon), Pulse-off-time (Poff), wire tension (WT) and wire feed (WF). The experiments were planned as per the standard taguchi’s L27 orthogonal array. The VIKOR index results concluded that the combination at Pon=131, Poff =58, WT=2 and WF=4 is the optimal for achieving high volume of material removal rate (VMRR) and low surface roughness (Ra) simultaneously. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is employed to check the significance of the process parameters on the combined index values. The results of it concluded that the pulse-on-time (Pon) has the highest influence and wire tension (WT) has the lowest influence on the vikor index value.
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