Lean Implementation on Piston Manufacturing Line-4 for Better Productivity Improvement
In this study mainly focus on improving the productivity of the Line-4 machining line at FEDERAL MOGUL GOETZE INDIA LIMITED, yelahanka, Bangalore. it is found that Setting change over time is the major problem And Rejection rate of piston is high. These two losses will affect productivity. In order to overcome this problem implementation of SMED technique, variance analysis and DOE Using Taguchi method. SMED technique is one of the lean tools used for the reducing the setup time and to improve productivity. SMED technique was implemented on the bottleneck machine of the Line-4 machining line and calculated the setup time before and after the implementation of SMED technique. The SMED results show the significant reduction of setup time about of about 71 minutes was saved for each changeover. In this study variance analysis and DOE Using Taguchi method used to analyzing the factors affecting the rejection of piston due to variation of Skirt diameter and the better optimized variables are suggested to the management. MINITAB 17 Quality Software was used to perform variance test and DOE Using Taguchi method which provided an easy and simple way of analyzing. The variance analysis conducted indicated that feed has no effect on skirt diameter. The DOE using Taguchi method performed concluded that the Fixture Seat Diameter had a significant effect on skirt diameter. And also various action plans was implemented. The implementation of lean methodologies, the total manufacturing cost, waste and quality is achieved there by increasing the productivity.
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